Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Over There

Just found out that we are leaving tomorrow night. We were supposed to leave on the 14th but a handful of us have been pushed up. That's great, tho. I'm ready to go. We've been sitting around here for awhile and now, no more sitting. It's gonna be a long, hot summer and a very full year. Bu this is what we do. I'll be adding pictures and videos and detailed posts asap. Probably won't be for awhile, tho. Our conditions are gonna be pretty spartan, at least initially. Talk to yall on the flip...

1 comment:

Captain Howdy said...

According to my sources, Special Lips is now in theater, getting ready for the show. Getting ready takes the form of continued training (IED identification & neutralization, vehicle roll-over drills, and acclimatization, among other things). Although no sranger to barren, desert environs, I'll warrant that this is the first time Special Lips is trying this with armor, deuce gear, weapon, ammunition, and the distinct possibility of physical violence. All the best to you and your squaddies, my friend, and I look forward to your next posting.