Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm From the Government, and I'm Here to Help!

So, tomorrow is the day. I shall report to Ft. Hood in the AM, in-process for a couple days and then begin my real job. I am an indirect fire infantryman; that means Mortars. We shoot mortars. Our motto is High Angle Hell, Death and Destruction from Above! It's kind of a cool motto. I'm excited and a bit apprehensive about my future. Going to Iraq or any hot zone doesn't scare me so much. What I do worry about is being maimed. Dying? Well, seems like it will be quick. But being maimed? That would suck. And most soldiers who are injured are surviving with terrible wounds. I actually believe in this mission, the public and probable private reasons. Lots of my friends looked at me with questions in their eyes. They support me, but they don't necessarily understand why I've done this. I have 40 reasons. Someday, I'll list them all. Right now, suffice it to say that I believe in the mission, I want to see it for myself, I want a physical and mental challenge and, well, I want some action. I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help!

1 comment:

Captain Howdy said...

Esteemed Special Lips,
Your reasons are your own, of course, but it would be interesting to see them nonetheless...