Saturday, October 13, 2007

Don't Stop, Get it! Get it!

So, Basic Training at Ft. Benning is different that all other places to do Basic. Benning is the home of the Infantry School. So if you're going Infantry, you'll go to Benning. And really, what healthy male would have any MOS except Infantry? There is no internet, no TV, no cell phones, few phone calls, no real privileges. I heard from people (read: POG's) that went to Basic at places other than Benning, and they had all these things, including the thing that all of us missed most: WOMEN. The only women at Ft Benning Basic Training work in the Dining Facility. They are civilian contractors and man, can they cook! Excellent food! Seriously. It was good stuff. But they were also women, and we were very happy to see them, every day, 3 times a day. Especially Ms Pat. She worked in the front, checking your SSN and making sure you were legit. We would file thru, one at a time, she would say 'Next man' and then recite our SSN, and she would check it. Eventually, we would go so fast that she didn't have to say next man and that made her happy! Sometimes she got so happy, and excited, that she would start to move and sing, moving her head and hands and really getting into it! The next level would be for her to stand up and start gyrating on the next soldier, dirty dancing and shaking her money maker. At that point, she would sing out her signature motto, something she must have sang out a million times every time she was about to have an orgasm: DONT STOP! GET IT, GET IT!! DONT STOP! GET IT, GET IT!! We loved it! She was like our lover, our friend, our wife, all wrapped up in one. She made the toughness of Benning bearable. Hats off to you, Ms Pat!

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