Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bitter Irony, Part II

Well, it's not so much of a bitter irony, what I'm going to write about tonight. It's more like, a little victory for a little person. But it's related to the previous post. So, I'm pulling guard in our guard tower, like I always do. And after observing the bit about the gas lines at the gas station, I saw this little vehicle cruising down the road, real quiet like. It gets closer and I realize, the guy driving this little vehicle is ,well, a little person. He's either a dwarf or a midget, I couldn't tell. But his vehicle is an electric 3 wheeled deal that just cruises, silent as can be. His top speed is like 30 mph. But he's cruising, right by the gas station. And he's looking at the long line, with all the angry people, and, what's that on his face? Is it, could it be, a smirk? A smile? A scornful laugh at all the gas guzzlers? His diminutive stature notwithstanding, this man was positively laughing at all those people! It made my day. And when he came back by, a few hours later, the same look and the same laugh! He laughed, I laughed, a jolly good guffaw was had by all! And that is all...

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